We hebben 15 actuele waterstanden gevonden voor 'Tech'


Station WaterlichaamWaterpeilDebietKaart
Argelès-Sur-Mer [Pont D'elne] Tech 214.8 cm 1.64 m³/s
Arles-Sur-Tech [Pont Rd115] Tech 245.7 cm 0.78 m³/s
Boulou Tech 125.2 cm 4.09 m³/s
Céret [Pont Du Diable] Tech 458 cm 1.55 m³/s
Pas-Du-Loup Tech 371.5 cm 0.23 m³/s
Prats-De-Mollo-La-Preste [La Preste] Tech 11.8 cm 0.19 m³/s



Station WaterlichaamWaterpeilDebietKaart
Adeline Bridge Near Jeanerette Bayou Teche 0.62976 ft -70.6 cfs
Arnaudville Bayou Teche 12.356744 ft 1209.378 cfs
Below Keystone L&d Nr St Martinville Bayou Teche 2.319288 ft
Calumet Bayou Teche E Of Calumet Flood Gate 2.569224 ft
Calumet Bayou Teche W Of Calumet Flood Gate 1.269688 ft
Keystone L&d Nr St Martinville Bayou Teche 10.067304 ft 286.989 cfs
Near Port Barre Bayou Teche 15.866016 ft
Port Barre Bayou Teche 15.946048 ft 751.537 cfs